First, some link-love: Mike Sansone, Drew McLellan, Mike Wagner. The first thing they did was reveal to combine content from multiple sources into one.
A blog is a free sample of your brand. People have 2 different brands: default and intentional. To build an intentional brand only requires 2 skills:
- Be remarkable, unique, creative. You have to believe that you are creative if you don’t feel like you are. If you were ever a child, you can be creative.
- Care. People are attracted to people that care about them or what that person cares about.
The topic outline:
Journal/Lifestyle Blogging – I missed this part. 🙁
Business That Has a Blog –
Don’t make your blog look all blinking and buzzing. Keep it looking like a business. Reach out to traditional media with your stories.
Blogging as a Business –
What is working now:
Affiliates, videos, TLA, merchandise, sponsored posts, referrals, donations.
What did you bang your head on?
Adsense, specific product affiliates, undiscovered affiliate programs.
What is next?
Using ads tastefully, comments via e-mail, improve personality on the blog, picking ads needs to be easier, staying on top of your successes improve user tracking.I attended Sansone’s workshop on making money off my blog.
[tags]SOBCon, SOBCon07[/tags]
It was great to meet you in Chicago.
And thanks for capturing and publishing some of the learning that took place in our session.
Everyone’s participation during that session was awesome.
Keep creating,
It was great to meet you in Chicago.
And thanks for capturing and publishing some of the learning that took place in our session.
Everyone’s participation during that session was awesome.
Keep creating,