Rodney Rumford comes from PodBlaze, among other ventures. Video trends and the convergency of video, blogs, community, and connections using VideoSticky.
There are 80-100k new videos uploaded every day. They can’t all be bad, though most of them are. Streamers had greater Internet usage than non-streamers by 67%. YouTube has allowed people to realize that they can deliver content with a new media.
Video engages users and creates longer site visits. If you offer video, you offer extended branding and as a valued resource.
Bloggers have the opportunity to differentiate and lead because people consume content in different ways. Some prefer text only, text and audio, text and video, etc. Why force your personal views upon them…”My web My way.”
Provide context for video content (Yay, I did that last week with my quest video post) and promote deeper people connections. Share a channel of relevant video content with your blog readers. You don’t need to create video to liven up your blog.
[tags]SOBCon, SOBCon07[/tags]