Better known as eMom, Wendy has something to say, and we’d better listen or she’ll come over and hug us. 🙂 She is a gratuitous hugger, that’s for sure.
While only touting 16 links, she made a post about being an unsuspecting success in blogging. She was too chicken to post it, but Darren Rowse told her to submit it in the Group Writing Project that he does. The next day, her post wasn’t on the site and she submitted it again, thinking it was lost. It wasn’t there again…it’s a sign!! Oh noes!! After a couple more days, she decided that she had nothing to lose by submitting it again. In the end, Darren posted it alone, outside of the others. That post put her on the map as a blogger.
We broke up into pairs with someone we haven’t been introduced to yet. I paired up with David Armano and we shared our most embarassing moment with each other. The reason is to get used to getting outside of your comfort zone.
Everyone here got to the conference as a result of a link, e-mail, or phone call from someone in the room, and that is an amazing reality to get your mind around.
Muhammed Saleem spoke briefly about his blogging experience since September of 2006. Brian from Copyblogger left him a comment back then and they traded contact information and was just offered a position at the new and improved Copyblogger. This is how he keeps creating opportunities from having a presence on others’ blogs and making an impact in the networking way of working.
[tags]SOBCon, SOBCon07[/tags]
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