I met a really neat guy at SOBCon in Chicago in May. I was sitting in the pub with Phil and Mike and Terry when others started sitting down around us (I guess I wasn’t smelling bad after a VERY long day… yet). Suddenly, someone who everyone else obviously knew came in and was pressured into pulling up a chair.
At the moment, I couldn’t care less if anyone else sat down; it was starting to get a tad crowded around our little coffee table. It didn’t take long for me to get over that annoyance and even join the conversation. It was a delight to talk to the mystery man, who is just as struck with the need to change blog themes as I am. His name is Troy Worman, and he lives in my sunny state of Florida.
Troy chimed in today on his awesome blog, Orbit Now! with his take on Getting Back to Basics. His idea got to the core of life to him and he gives us core orbit pulp: 9 orbit strategies, give or take.