Stupid Flu Bug

Well, two weeks ago I caught a flu from China that was bet against making its way over here. Despite my vaccination, I got a dang-awful dose of sick because of someone’s decision to not include that strain this year.

I’m back at work, but still coughing a lot, so the doc is putting me on I.V. meds for a week or so. 🙁 Oh well. I’m just tired of coughing so much. It just won’t go away on its own. That’s all. Back to work. /sigh


  1. Ack! That sucks! I feel for you. Hope things clear up quickly!

  2. Ack! That sucks! I feel for you. Hope things clear up quickly!

  3. Thanks, Aspen. I hope today finds you well.

  4. Thanks, Aspen. I hope today finds you well.