MinuteFix Contest Entry

I am a Certified MinuteFix technician, so today I wandered over to the technician blog and found a contest to come up with a slogan. I think Diego Orjuela liked my suggestion. He made a demo of it on a graphic t-shirt.

Home of the 99 cent special


  1. Jennifer Therrien says

    Cool shirt! WTG! 🙂

  2. Jennifer Therrien says

    Cool shirt! WTG! 🙂

  3. @Jennifer Therrien: Thanks. I sure hope it wins. Sunday will tell.

  4. @Jennifer Therrien: Thanks. I sure hope it wins. Sunday will tell.

  5. Jennifer Therrien says

    Well, good luck to you 🙂

  6. Jennifer Therrien says

    Well, good luck to you 🙂