I believe we have all of our W2s and 1099-MISC forms in now, so I started filling in our stuff using TaxCut Online, as I’ve done for the last 2 years. I believe our witholding woes are that even though we both file as 0 dependents for our payroll deductions, the deductions are based on each of our estimated annual income, which is way short of our combined annual income, which clearly bumps us into a whole new league of tax torture. As soon as I added my wife’s income, we went from getting a ton of money back to owing a smidgen of money.
My next tactic was to try to file as Married – Separately. Huh-uh. We were going to owe something in the neighborhood of $4k and I freaked. I started going through all of the questions in the software to find deductions and credits when I came across the First-time Homebuyer’s Credit. Ooohhhh. Much better. With that beautiful improvement, I switched the filing to Married – Filing Joint and we struck gold, and I haven’t even entered anything about using our third bedroom and Internet for office work, since I work remotely for iThemes.
We are estatic; it’s the single biggest windfall we’ve had and places us in the few Americans who have 3 months of living expenses saved for a rainy day… if the numbers hold up when I’m done with all of my calculations.
Next year will be better, though: a full year of mortgage interest, mortgage insurance, COBRA, home office, tithe, and more. Deductions and credits galore! Now I know how homeowners get rich when they are fiscally responsible and remember who their money belongs to.
Quote of the day before I found the homebuyer credit:
We’re too poor to be this rich if they’re going to tax us this much!
Don’t you worry. Obamaman will bring about changes that makes all those wonderful deductions go far, far away.
Don’t you worry. Obamaman will bring about changes that makes all those wonderful deductions go far, far away.
But I thought I was never going to have to pay my mortgage or fill my gas tank every again… and still get the deductions!
But I thought I was never going to have to pay my mortgage or fill my gas tank every again… and still get the deductions!