I was scouring my new Twitter list of bloggers yesterday when I spotted one from my friend from the SOBCons I’ve attended, Chris Cree, who was saying he registered to attend the Orlando WordCamp in December. I got so excited about the potential about attending a WordPress event so close to home AND with a friend, I had to check my college final schedule. We have the option of a Friday or Sunday final exam for Spanish, so I’m opting for taking it on Friday night to get it off my mind. I also contacted Michael Pretty about serving (volunteering) at the Genius Bar for WordPress help with themes, plugins, usage, etc. I’ve got a whole box of business cards for anyone who wants the follow-up treatment after the conference. 🙂
Join Me at WordCamp Orlando Dec 5th, 2009
Filed Under: Blogging, Business, Wordpress Tagged With: Genius Bar, WordCamp Orlando