Who is this behind this blog? I train people to use WordPress, set up, repair, and customize sites running on WordPress, and have multiple developments underway; in a word: geek. I began working for myself full-time February 2nd, 2009 out of necessity and things are working out great so far. I formed Petersen Media Group, LLC on March 30th, 2009 and we’ve hit the ground running with international clients of every sort.
Some people have taken offense to the title of Perfectly Petersen… until I explain the wordsmithing that must occur to convert those readers. It is not to say, “Perfect Petersen” or “Petersen is Perfect.” The correct intent of the words being used is, “This blog so perfectly describes Jesse Petersen by the very nature of its layout, colors, and writing, and topics, that to read this blog regularly is just like knowing the man himself.” Perfectly Petersen is much shorter.
I married my gorgeous wife in October 2006 and we enjoy the beach, mall shopping, and watching movies together.
I returned to the University of South Florida to complete my Bachelor’s Degree in English: Professional and Technical Writing. I graduated in the largest graduating class so far in the Spring 2010 class.
I have several blogs running at this time, and you can check out my client reactions and other designs at http://www.jessepetersen.com.