Perfectly Petersen Is Open For Business

After getting some more business card designs under my belt, I have decided to open my doors to selling my services in designing and/or ordering business cards, notepads, magnets, and other business media. I can get the product in your hands in one week for priority processing.

Terry Starbucker's Card

Liz Strauss' Card

If you are interested in getting your name out on paper or online in some graphically pleasing manner, my services are available by contacting me at the e-mail address on my About Me page about what you are looking for. I will be coming up with a pricing sheet soon. I also do logo design and set up WordPress blogs with basic templates (custom CSS available). [tags]Liz Strauss, Terry Starbucker, business cards, blogs, design, graphic design, logos, notepads, magnets[/tags]

The Best Nature Video Since Planet Earth…

Battle at Kruger…and for a very, very long time before that series.

I grew up watching educational PBS shows, and then I graduated to cable shows on Discovery, TLC, and Animal Planet in high school when we finally got cable. I’ve seen hundreds of hours of chases, hunts, prowls, and attacks. This, without equal, is the best single scene I have ever seen of nature footage.

I’ll set the stage for you before you watch, so you can determine if it’s too much for you. It appears that a group of Brits or Aussies are on safari in Kruger National Park in South Africa. They are at their Land Rover filming across a water hole and there are 2 lionesses crouched, awaiting a herd of buffalo. Not wildebeasts, the full-blown big dudes. When the time is right, the pounce and manage to nab a single out a calf in the water, but after a while, a couple of crocodiles want in on the meal, too. After securing the meal from the crocs, the entire herd comes back with a vengeance to get the lions while the calf is still moving.

Continue to see the outcome of this truly epic tale: Battle at Kruger

[Read more…]

Global Warming Goes God

I’ve been patient. I’ve actually physically bit my tongue in public to avoid starting something. I am a firecracker with just a few layers of protective shielding to keep those around me intact if there is a bit of a spark, but with flames all around right now, I can’t save you from my opinion any longer.

I’ll start it out as plainly as I can muster: people who believe that global warming is purely caused by man’s activities, humans are like a cancer on the planet, and that there is no other reason why temperatures are rising (debatable) are crackpot whackos that need to be sedated and educated before their own stupidity causes their demise.

Now that I’ve got that out of my system, let’s get down to the facts of the matter, and start with public opinion on the whole global warming issue. I subscribe to Wired magazine and my jaw hit the floor as I read these poll reports from Wired readers. 80% of those polled are somewhat to very concerned about global warming and a full 43% believe that global warming has played a major role in recent extreme weather. For pure facts, reports, scientific data, and op-ed pieces by major players in the scientific community who do not subscribe to the global warming scare, the best compendium of links I know of is Todd Schnitt’s Global Warming page at Schnitt’s Global Warming Files from the Tampa radio station, 970 WFLA, also heard on XM.

That is a scary indicator of the intelligence of the general public, but this next item is typically self-centered, and a major reason why this whole issue has become a hotbed controversy. Fifty-eight percent of those polled say they have done their fair share to reduce global warming, but feel that 85% of the rest of people have not done their fair share. Me, me, me. I, I, I. You suck. You don’t know it, but you do. You bonehead. If 85% of you think you’ve done enough, then there is only 15% left to pick on, so back off! Call off the dogs, the press, the blogs, the legislation, and all of the other crap going on to inconvenience everyone.

The press and activists are taking this to a religious level, persecuting those who have a different view of the planet. Just because Al Gore says something doesn’t make him right. He invented the Internet, remember? Have you stopped to consider that nearly everyone pushing “green” solutions to everything have a monetary interest in the success of those programs? It’s their JOB to be successful in getting you to believe whatever it is they say. Look behind the bills, “green” solutions like the carbon footprint buyouts, and fundraising companies. I’m sure they are all pure in their motives. Every last one of them. What they are doing is gaining enough momentum to swing popular belief their direction and make their wild claims valid by popularity alone.

It’s not going to work on me, and it shouldn’t work on you.

Remember Rubik’s Cube?

My wife and I watched The Pursuit of Happyness with Will Smith a few weeks ago. In it, Will’s character solves a Rubik’s Cube to impress a big-wig, and that took me back to my youth. I can proudly say that I was alive and cognizant of my existence when they hit the shelves in the early 80s, but I wasn’t really up to actually solving it. I just enjoyed playing with it.

I decided that I wanted to get a Rubik’s Cube and see how much fun it is as an adult. I’ve found all kinds of sites and videos and tools since then. I ordered one from Wal-Mart online for in-store delivery, which I should get tomorrow or sometime this weekend. Until then, I’ve got these links and stuff: