Pet Peeve #37: Noisy Side Conversations

Loud Howard - (c) Scott AdamsWe have someone who can always be heard on the phone from about 5 cubes away. Every word. Today, she was her typical self and stood outside our area and talked about a horse farm for handicapped people…for 5 minutes! The poor guy she was talking to was talking very quietly, so that if we didn’t want to hear what was being said, we could ignore it.

While doing this, no one can hold their own conversations, let along talk on the phone. It is a complete disruption and annoyance. After four minutes, she raised the bar, not in volume, but sheer insensitivity. Without any prompting from him, she blurted out “We adopted a horse for a year; it’s $3,000. Sure that’s a lot of money, but we could have adopted whatever. … If I won the lottery I’d be their benefactor.”

Within earshot of her, not to mention grabbing distance, there were FOUR people scraping by with less than one paycheck in reserves, and here she is flaunting how she dropped THREE grand on a horse that she doesn’t get to feed, brush, or ride on a daily basis. It is for other people to ride.

OMG, she came back and is talking again. Where is my baseball bat?

Time for my Annual Review

I got an e-mail late last night from my boss with today’s schedule of annual reviews. Our department has our reviews today, and our other trade groups under her control are tomorrow. We all submitted our accomplishments for the year and we’ll see what Santa has in his bag. It will either be a really good day, or I’ll be royally pissed. I don’t think there will be much of an in-between.

Not that this will do anything good for my situation now that HR has already made their decree, here is why I’m qualified for a great (not nice) review.

  1. I thought of, created, developed, and maintained our document tracking database. It is currently tracking over 3,500 documents and 170 metrics of data. PMs and the VP are asking us for information that only my database can provide.
  2. I am always willing to work the hours necessary to get a job done. I have worked weekends and even a holiday because of deadlines.
  3. I am a Master Microsoft Office Specialist, and the only one in the Company. I get at least 1 question per day from a team member or other writer in the building about how to do something, often for a report or presentation at the last minute.
  4. I have shown a LOT of personal skill improvement this year, including going to a SkillPath seminar on using diplomacy skills in an office environment. I have had a tenth of the “coaching sessions” with my boss compared to last year. I hardly even see her now, because I’m not stirring up trouble.
  5. I work efficiently, so I’m not a resource drain on the Company.

I’ll let you know how it goes…

UPDATE: I completely agree with my evaluation (translation: YEAH, BABY!!!) and we find out about our increases later. It’s out of her control, but I like the performance number she gave me.

5 Sure-fire Ways to Increase Search Engine Traffic

I have been tweaking with my code and keywords, and other methods for almost two years on my other blogs, and I finally have some concrete methods for SEO. I’m no expert, but this blog was on Google’s radar in less than a week. It appears #1 in Google searching for ‘perfectly petersen’ and appears on the second page already for ‘Jesse Petersen’ alone, even with no quotes.

Now that I have substantiated myself as knowing what the heck I’m talking about, here is how I did it with this blog:

  1. Create a sitemap. Google really likes sitemaps, and WordPress even has a sitemap plugin – Google Sitemaps. Go to to get started without the plugin.
  2. Use search engine bot code (such as googlebot) in your META tags in the header and good keywords to draw in a base of searches.
  3. Make sure you add titles to all of your links and images on your blog. Search engines love titles.
  4. Post frequently to give the search engines a constantly updated crawl time, showing added interest to your site.
  5. Use tags in your posts to draw additional traffic from social networking sites that will pop up on the search engines for searches of those tags. (

[tags]Technorati, Jesse Petersen[/tags]

New Theme Today

I worked my tail off to create a picture of my taste. This is the color scheme I chose to showcase my likes. I’m still going to work on implementing more graphics into the layout, but I had to create a new template from scratch (yes, a blank Notepad file) to ensure that I will be able to track where I put things later.

I’ve left an entire invisible sidebar off the to right to use for advertising, affiliates, and other important items that I want to be able to completely control how they look without messing up any of the other elements. I’m thinking nice graphics that won’t get blocked by Firefox. 🙂

Swing on by the comments and drop me a line to let me know what you think. Open suggestions and comments.