American Idol Predictions: Final 3

Tonight’s pre-show prediction:

Jordin says bye-bye tomorrow night. She’s cute as a bug and can sing like a diva, but then there’s Melinda…

I think Blake has a ton of guys behind his votes, so when it comes down to the women voting Melinda or Jordin, Melinda stays.[tags]American Idol, predictions, Melinda Doolittle, Jordin Sparks, Blake Lewis[/tags]

Picking Color Schemes Is Easy, With the Right Tool

I stumbled across two tools today to help you with selecting a color scheme for your blog, letterhead, or brochure. It might even help you with your clothes, though I wouldn’t suggest it without consulting a fashion expert first.

Color does a lot for you, and it can do a lot to hurt you. I don’t need to tell you something looks bad, you just know it, and so does everyone else. There is always wiggle-room for personal taste, such as the colors I’ve picked here. If someone has a general distaste for one of the colors, it might not please them, but it should not offend their sense of what is good and decent in this world. That would take a bad color, and you move on to try another color.

The first tool I found is called yaflaColor. It gives you seven colors that “go” with one that you enter the HEX code for. Some of the colors “match” and others “go.” The difference is the degree of commonality and opposite-ness.


The second tool was one that Liz Strauss linked to me at It takes an image and reads the colors for a palette with both a dull and vibrant scheme.

Color says a lot about you. If I picked all bright colors, you might think that I was young or carefree. If I picked a black theme with white text, you might think I was a goth. A lot can be implied in a color palette, so choose wisely, grasshopper.

Welcome to Perfectly Petersen

Thanks for stopping by and checking out my new outlet. As SOBCon07 presented speaker after speaker about personal branding, I realized that Gitr’s WoW Blog does not look like me at all. There were blogs represented that perfectly matched the authors, and I wanted that, too.

I have several goals with this site and have yet to come up with a quippy by-line that I feel comfortable settling on for more than a week, so I’m going to hold off for now. Right now, my goals are simple:

  1. I want to express myself without regard of keeping everyone happy. I always feel boxed in at Gitr’s because I need to appeal to everyone who plays the game to keep them coming back for the game content, not what I think about things.
  2. I want to be able to discuss topics that gamers don’t give a rip about when they stumble upon my site from a search engine or who have subscribed and don’t see content that drew them there in the first place.
  3. I want to help people become the best writers, editors, spouses, employees, and bosses possible. I have a lot to say, but I’m a jack of all trades, master of none. I’m going to keep it broad for now, but it’s all me, and it’s all cool.

I’m having some problems with being able to submit comments this morning from home with either Firefox or IE with this theme, so I’m baffled at how Liz left a comment. I’m going to work on that today, but if it doesn’t work, I’m going to have to abandon this theme. /sad  Nothing a little coding from other themes won’t fix. 🙂

Happy Mother’s Day; Safely Back Home

I got back in a tad before 11:00 last night and we got out of the parking garage within the free time. It was great to be back home. It seemed like 3 full days away, not 30 hours. Maybe only getting 3 hours of sleep Saturday and 6 hours last night will lead to 9 hours tonight. 🙂

I will be making several significant articles on the conference and those who attended in the days to come. There were some truly great people there and I can say with certainty that the world is going to change because of this group of online publishers. I am grateful that there were only 110 people there because with any more than that, we would have lost some sense of community that was so prevalent every time we weren’t listening to speakers.