Although gross, this is still Safe for Work viewing. This is Australia’s new advertising campaign to promote the flu shot since we are fast approaching their autumn flu season.

Still standing...
Although gross, this is still Safe for Work viewing. This is Australia’s new advertising campaign to promote the flu shot since we are fast approaching their autumn flu season.
I did manage to get one of the four who got voted off last week correct. Then, in my amazement of how bad the ones who did get voted off were, I realized that it’s too much of a crap shoot at this point, so I’m changing direction for this week until the Top 12. I’m going to tell you who the Top 12 should end up being now and who sucked in royal fashion each week.
I wrote another letter to the editor of tbt* this week. It looks like they were really focused on the orca killing a Sea World trainer for today’s letters, so mine didn’t get published. Here it is anyway.
Hardly a week goes by without news of some politician at the state or national level who has just been caught spending taxpayer money. This bad behavior goes on on both sides of the isle, too, as they reported that Pelosi spent $101k for “in-flight services” including booze and flights for friends and family during the past year.
This is nothing short of theft of taxpayer funds. It’s criminal. Business can’t purchase personal items and count them as expenses. Non-profit organizations can’t, either. Those people go to jail, as should these criminals. Just because they were elected to office by the people does not give them a blank check for carte blanche spending – in fact, it’s just the opposite. They should be held to higher standards of responsibility and face sterner punishments for breaking the trust of the people.
We the people need to start tossing our elected officials out on the street until we the people are represented by honest people of high moral standards.
My first impression of this season after all of the terrific Hollywood Week performances is that everyone takes a crap in their brains when it comes to picking their first song for the first week. I’d call myself a student of the show, and I have some hard and fast rules that I’d abide by if I had the pipes to make it on the show. Call me a “Thursday Morning Critic-back.”
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