My Essential Google Chrome Extensions

Chrome extensions are finally here, and they sure are rocking my world. Chrome is well on its way to replacing Firefox for me with these improvements – just a few more to go, guys!

I’m a tabs guy. I. Love. Tabs. It’s not uncommon for me to have 30+ tabs open at a time, which has been impossible on Chrome. Until now. Here is my list of essential extensions:

  • Google Mail Checker Plus by Anders – See how many unread messages are in your inbox and respond, archive, or delete them.
  • TooManyTabs for Chrome by visibotech – Place tabs in a lockbox for safe-keeping, but out of view.
  • Tab Menu by fryn – If you still end up with 20 tabs open, this lists them vertically for easy selection (you hate accidentally closing a small tab, right?).
  • Sexy Undo Close Tab by Xerios – See above. /grin
  • Facebook for Google Chrome by benhiller – Just check for quick wall updates.
  • Google Translate by chrome.translate.extension – This is going to make my online Spanish homework a breeze. No more copying and pasting words I don’t know.

What are your golden extension choices?

Getting a Room at the Jail

German inmates were crying “foul,” or more specifically, “get a room!” at Daniele Eberhardt and his incarcerated girlfriend. In what sounds like multiple feats of hornyness, Daniele broke into the jail to have nighttime conjugal visits.

Fellow inmates are quoted that their “grunts and groans” kept them awake at night and made them feel “frustrated.” He somehow scaled the wall, evaded security, and proceeded to break in using a skeleton key to get his relief.

  • How come the jail isn’t empty with people able to break out as easily as he broke in?
  • Why didn’t the girlfriend leave with him?
  • How much are those guards paid?

He will be joining her in jail soon, as he’s awaiting trial for trespassing. Regardless of whether he gets to share a cell with his girlfriend or not, I imagine there will be a lot of “frustrated” inmates in that jail soon, as walls and bars don’t seem to be able to keep this guy from what he wants.


The Catholic Church Is Headed for Hell in a Handbasket

According to the Telegraph, a U.K. paper, the Catholic church is still giving credence to the notion of man-made global warming by offering suggestions to reduce personal carbon footprints as a method of observing Lent. I found stories dating back to 2007 stating that congregations were viewing Al Gore’s (a.k.a. Algore, grand creator of the Internet) “An Inconvenient Truth” film full of doctored data, graphs, and all sorts of stuff that caused Britain to either ban it or distribute to the students something like 70 points of factual inaccuracies contained in it.

What They Are Proposing

“Senior bishops are calling for a cut in personal carbon use for each of the 40 days of Lent. Their list of ways to achieve this includes eating less meat, flushing the toilet less often and cutting vegetables thinner so they cook faster.

But one of their tougher challenges is to give up technology such as television, mobiles and iPods for one day. The “Carbon Fast” , organised every year by development agency Tearfund, even suggests giving up technology for a day every month of the year and giving the money to charity.”

They go on to say:

“The Church of England backs the Carbon Fast and last year the Roman Catholic Church called on followers to cut down on texting and other forms of communication in the run up to Easter.

The Bishop of Oxford, who uses a blackberry, mobile phone and emails everyday, said he will struggle this Lent.

But he insisted we all need to concentrate on more “face to face” communication.”

To top it off, they even created a suggested list of “green” activities:

Other carbon fast actions include:
:: Have a technology fast. Try a day with no TV, no iPod, no computer, and even no mobile. Why not set aside a technology fast day each month?
:: Check your flush. Do you need to always flush the loo? Get a device from your water company to save water when you flush the toilet.
:: Be a part-time veggie. Aim to eat at least two vegetarian meals every week.
:: Avoid excess idling and hard acceleration to cut back on emissions when you are driving.
:: Make do and mend rather than buying new clothes.
:: Start composing food waste and growing your own fruit and vegetables.
:: Arrange a swapping party with friends. Exchange clothes, DVDs, CDs, jewellery and bags so everyone gets something new without a trip to the shops.
:: Try skinny food. Choosing thin pasta and cutting meat and vegetables smaller will mean they’ll cook faster and use less energy.
:: Eat by candlelight. How many rooms do you light in the evenings? Turn out the lights and have a meal by candlelight.
:: Take the train where possible rather than flying.

Brace Yourself for a Rebuttal

You’ve got to be kidding me! If my church, denomination, or global entity of Christ-followers referred to as “the church” started talking to me about this mumbo jumbo, I’d be having some “face to face” talks with someone pretty high up. You see, this is the problem when you turn a belief in God into a form of governing body who can literally dictate to the masses what is and is not acceptable in their eyes (as if it matters, ye Pharisees) or in the eyes of God (which they are clearly not in tune with). Everything has already been written and can easily be referenced for further clarification in the most widely-published book in the world… it’s called the Bible, which I only ever recall seeing a Pope holding one up as a gilded trophy (probably singing “We Are the Champions” in his head whilst doing so). Not that I have a problem with a man being considered something of a supreme commander of Christianity and a mediator for man to know what God wants for our lives. Not at all. Who really wants to read the Bible anyway, right? [Oh, please, dear readers, I sincerely hope your intellect to be of the caliber to identify sarcasm.]

While there is merit to not wasting what God gave you, these ideas are either ridiculous or common-sense frugality. E-mailing rather than meeting face to face does NOT conserve energy; quite the opposite. Same for a phone call, people. One of the number one issues of these global warming wackos is the excess use of fuel, and now you’re advocating frivolous travel to talk to someone when you could have e-mailed, phoned, or texted!? Seriously!? I can see by your nodding that you are too far gone.

Agree? Disagree? Let’s hear some reasoned responses.

Peyton Manning As a Mentor – or Not

I saw this for the first time Sunday and was pretty sure my knee was red from slapping it. I know my face was red from laughing. Enjoy!