Happy 3rd Anniversary, Dear

Three years ago today, at 1:00pm EST, a certain lady changed my life forever by saying two words, “I do.” Maybe it was,  “I will,” but that little detail is neither here nor there. What matters is that she said, “yes” to wanting to get married and followed through with it. What do I mean by saying such an extravagant statement about her life-changing commitment? I’m so glad you asked.

I used to be a mess. I couldn’t keep a dime in the bank. I had no clue how to dress in anything other than gray or tan. My car was always full of junk and my trunk was worse. Let’s not even talk about the bio-hazard that I called “my room” everywhere I lived. Seriously, we’re not going there. Right? Good. I couldn’t stay put in a job for more than three years… okay, so some things never change.

In my toast speech I said that sometimes two plus two does equal five – in our case, she more than completed me, she added to me more than I could have imagined would have happened. If I look good some day, it’s because of her. If I’m successful some day, it’s because of her. If I’ve got a spring in my step, it’s because of her. If I’m in a bad mood… well, that might be her, but don’t count on it – some of me has stuck around.

For anyone who missed the wedding, here are twenty-one of my favorite shots that tell the story.








Social Responsibility Rant

ArgumentI’m taking an exit requirement course with the general topic of equality in schools and the workplace. It’s my 3rd of its kind since meeting exit requirements for my A.A., so it’s getting pretty boring by this point. Anyway, I thought it might be some good conversation.

I think the first steps to reforming racism is to begin radical social reform in the form of slashing federal and state programs that encourage social delinquency. Here are three of the top social programs that are holding back the progress minorities are looking to achieve but are actually slaves to the system that created the programs. I say this as a former recipient of assistance for the extreme expenses associated with having cystic fibrosis. I’d never choose to limit myself to $1,000/mo income again just for that lousy assistance.

Welfare: gone – if you can’t work, then move in with family – if you had 4 kids with no mom or dad around to help, then you can’t afford to have had them in the first place. If you don’t pay for the car you bought or don’t pay for the insurance on the car you were given, they take it from you, and kids are more valuable than a car.

Social Security: completely broken. I’ve already paid more into it than I’ll ever get out and it sets people up with a false sense of security and entitlement that the gov’t will take care of them just because they worked or got injured. Retirement’s not a right and neither is gov’t spoon-feeding.

Bussing is racist in its purest form. Let me translate what the legislatures and school administrators are saying with a veil of compassion: “those kids are too poor, have too many issues at home, and are possibly too stupid to excel as a group, so if there are some shining stars, lets’ get them out of there to a ‘good school'” How about you hire the same caliber of teachers, pay them the same, fund them the same, and treat those kids like the other schools treat their kids? That’s the racism going on in school!

Pardon the Interruption

My wife and I are celebrating 3 years of wedded bliss this month and I was looking through our photos tonight. Here are some highlight photos of just the two of us. Any guesses as to which photo was taken first?

A Valentine's Day
Busch Gardens
An Anniversary

A Concert
An Anniversary
Contract on House

Bucs Game
A Vacation

A Vacation
Ruby Falls
A Birthday

An Anniversary
A Day to Relax

Stats Gone Wild

Some days I wish I was paying for an upgraded stat log with StatCounter… clearly someone got a hold of my business workhorse site URL (http://www.jessepetersen.com)and spread it around on September 23rd. 296 visitors and only 7 returning visitors viewed over 400 pages. A good day “at the office” and I didn’t even know it.

The last 30 daysSince not working for "The Man"