Three years ago today, at 1:00pm EST, a certain lady changed my life forever by saying two words, “I do.” Maybe it was, “I will,” but that little detail is neither here nor there. What matters is that she said, “yes” to wanting to get married and followed through with it. What do I mean by saying such an extravagant statement about her life-changing commitment? I’m so glad you asked.
I used to be a mess. I couldn’t keep a dime in the bank. I had no clue how to dress in anything other than gray or tan. My car was always full of junk and my trunk was worse. Let’s not even talk about the bio-hazard that I called “my room” everywhere I lived. Seriously, we’re not going there. Right? Good. I couldn’t stay put in a job for more than three years… okay, so some things never change.
In my toast speech I said that sometimes two plus two does equal five – in our case, she more than completed me, she added to me more than I could have imagined would have happened. If I look good some day, it’s because of her. If I’m successful some day, it’s because of her. If I’ve got a spring in my step, it’s because of her. If I’m in a bad mood… well, that might be her, but don’t count on it – some of me has stuck around.
For anyone who missed the wedding, here are twenty-one of my favorite shots that tell the story.
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