Nerd Comic of the Day

You really have to be a nerd to get this one, but there must be a lot of nerds for this to make a mainstream comic:

To get the whole nerd story: – with the other famous line being: “Somebody set up us the bomb.”
Get Fuzzy

Hard Times and Pressing Forward: How Small Businesses Succeed

Drive to succeedEvery entrepreneur hits hard times due to overhead, payroll, the economy, or any number of reasons why the coffers get low or revenues drop. It’s a time to take inventory of the situation, particularly what is coming in and going out. Being a successful business means overcoming anything that comes your way. Here are some steps and tips to take when hard times hit.

  • Check your numbers – look at your cashflow for the last 90 days and the same 90 day period from the previous year(s), if you’re not just starting out. Are there unexpected expenses? A big accounts receivable? Does revenue have cycles and it’s just a tough time? Sole proprietors can do their personal budgets to “cut costs,” as well.
  • Circle around – if you are in the services industry, contact your past clients with a friendly “thank you” for past business and offer them a promotional code for new projects or referrals.
  • Look for discounts – check your own service providers and their competitors to get better rates or plans for items such as Internet, phone, insurance, etc. to reduce your expenses. We have reduced our expenses over 10% in the last two months by switching some providers.
  • Expand into new territories – if you offer a product or service that can be tailored to the market, now is the best time to do so. Stop making things or selling services for things on the decline or with a small share of the market if that is the majority of your business. If you already have the big players covered, expand into the niches if you can do so cheaply.
  • Social media, yo! – one caveat about social media: if you’re going to do it, do it right or you’ll only hurt yourself. A Facebook page for your company and a vibrant, relevant, likable Twitter account can take your business to the next level or kickstart a new one in a major way.

Life As a Freelancer and Consultant – The Good and Bad

There are far more perks to being a small business owner than downsides, in my opinion. I can take a day and sluff off if I don’t feel well or need to run errands. Doctor’s appointments were always making me have to make up my hours when I was an employee, but forget that life now.

For me, the two worst parts (and really the only bad parts about my line of work) of a job are:

  1. Getting to the estimate part of the deal and waiting for either a) death by shock, b) complete rejection and instant counter-offer (sheeah, that works), or c) an elated new client
  2. Finishing the work and shooting out the invoice with a nice “thank you” in the “notes” field and see what comes of it

Thus far my experience has been overwhelmingly positive with only one non-payer who will get their site unlocked once they pay, one who seems to continually misunderstand the scope of the project and wants $3000 worth of work for $800, and one who offered me baby clothes as an exchange for my skills. I’m still in the early stages of figuring out my billing and deposit system, since I don’t think many of my clients quite feel comfortable with a full-prepay for jobs under $3000 yet, but I do insist on my first hour of consulting and site work for new clients ahead of time and have great results with that by billing exact time after that first hour.

Here is a video that will really make you empathize with freelancers everywhere:

American Idol Season 8 Finale Prediction

I’ve had it with two things about Season 8: Kris Allen and Kara Dia-shut-up. Thankfully, tonight is a promotion-fest two-hour finale. I’m not sure how much of it we’ll actually watch. I think we’ll start around 9pm and fast forward through anything annoying, ridiculous, or agonizing. We’ve been warned to tape past 10pm, though, so be ready with your manual DVR settings tonight. Last year we got to, “And the winner is….. David….” and had to wait for someone to post the last part up on YouTube to see the ending.

Adam beat Kris like a little whipping boy last night, though Kara’s stupid song about hurricanes and other stuff that I can’t remember was clearly one-sided toward Kris’s style. Give Adam something to work with, sheesh!

If Adam doesn’t win tonight, I’m not so sure I’ll be a die-hard AI fan next year. He’s a far better performer, and if America is too stupid to realize Animal Farm is happening before their very eyes AND can’t vote for a decent pop idol, then we’re in a crapload of trouble.