Season 8 Show 3 Post-show Predictions

Last night the women mopped the floor with the guys, but generally everyone had an aura of suckiness. The entire first hour was a snoozer with everyone picking the wrong songs… again. Simon half-joked that he would be selecting the songs for the contestants later on in the season. If that transpires, I’ll be very interested to hear the judges’ critiques without the song selection in play.
On with the show. The clear winner of the night was Lil Round. Since she’s a girl, that takes up that slot. The next best performer, in my opinion, was another girl, Felicia Barton, who was called back onto the show’s Top 36 after Joanna Pacitti was disqualified after Hollywood Week.

I’m seriously conflicted with the guy’s pick because I think 3 of them deserve to go on as the guy for the week, and I don’t think any one of them is truely strong enough to win the whole thing. I am choosing Scott “Tunnelvision” MacIntyre to get the most votes. As the best guy singer of the night, though, I’d have to lay down on Ju’Not Joyner and his range and control.

Props to Nathaniel Marshall for solidifying himself as a mega-loser, drama queen, and everything else associated with men wearing stretchy pants, nose bull rings, and hair bands. Thank you for that.

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Season 8 Show 2 Post-show Predictions

Sorry about the delay on this week’s post, but my wife considered the pre-show post a bit much for a non-American Idol blog. Since I always listen to my wife, like any good man does, I’m sticking with post-show predictions and post-results reactions from now on.

Group Two… hmmm. So many mixed feelings about these people, but there were some standouts and made my Top 3 so easy to pick out. I always have to leave in a 4th for standby just in case America screws up to show that I know that I have a pulse on the singing, though.

As you might recall from my Hollywood Week Recap, Adam Lambert was right up there in the Danny Gokey/Michael Sarver grouping of the top singers and he was clearly the undisputed winner of last night’s show. Kai Kalama was in that group until he sang last night, and I don’t think he will be going anywhere until his second chance in the wildcard show.

For the women, Allison Iraheta rocked the stage, crowd, and TV audience. The Twitter reaction was immediate after collectively falling asleep after the first three performances and either loving or hating “Norman Gentle” ditching Nick Mitchel during the commercial break.

For the 3rd spot, I’m placing Jesse Langseth (unfortunate girl with the boy spelling… poor thing) to take the spot for her song choice, good performance, and her pop qualities. In a very close 4th is Mishavonna Henson for her performance, though I don’t think her song choice was that good because I fell asleep. Sorry. Pick better songs.

What to do with Nick Mitchell? I think he was highly entertaining, but my wife would like to see him ripped off the show by a C-130 tow line by his britches, I think. I don’t think it matters when you stand him up against the other performances, unless the Vote for the Worst people are in full-force again to rescue him from the 50% crowd who hates him. Her prediction is one that I must agree with: he will be one of the last two to be announced tonight to make everyone sweat.

Don’t Be Stupid: Avoid the World’s Hottest Pepper

I have to get you to click Play on this video, so here is what to expect: a bearded, seemingly normal man goes about explaining that the pepper he is about to eat is the world’s hottest pepper. He is prepared with a full glass of milk. Two minutes later, the milk doesn’t work. Fifteen minutes after ingestion, the ice cream doesn’t work. Seventeen minutes after committing his dumbest act ever, he is contemplating going to the E.R.

Click Play!