With one conference call I suddenly had to re-brand myself as a self-employed WordPress consultant in the wide world of entrepreneurship. No longer was I the moonlighting, 18-hour per day husband and breadwinner, but a full-blown freelance WP expert trying to make ends meet – quickly. Results and feedback have been favorable so far, but there was and still is a lot of work to do to make that transition from doing this work for a company to doing it exclusively for oneself. Here are the first six steps I have taken to re-brand myself.
American Idol Week 1 Results Show Aftermath
Well, I was darn close AND I had all of the Top 3 in my list of guys, but I really thought Michael Sarver had too much of a shaky start and would make it in via the wild card week.
My wife did manage to get all 3 correct, but since she doesn’t have a blog and doesn’t write here… well… I guess that’s just heresay.
For those still living in a cave, the Top 3 from Group 1 are: Danny Gokey, Alexis Grace, and Michael Sarver.
At least Tatiana got axed, and was most likely 5th place. I was so nervous when it was down to Danny and Tatiana, but my wife pointed out that, based on the other placements, one of them was #1 and one was #5 because they announced that Anoop was just behind Sarver in the votes as #4. Now my wife is pulling for Nick Mitchell to go. I’m still on the fence with him. Let’s see how he sings first.
WordPress Fixed the Plugin Search
After months of unsuccessful searches for cforms 2 and all the various ways to spell it, Matt Mullenweg announced that he has fixed the plugin search tool.
That sure got my day off to a good start!
Season 8 Show 1 Post-show Predictions
What a surprise about how the show format is going to be to get to the Top 12 this year! For those who live in a cave or don’t give a darn (but you wouldn’t still be reading, would you?), for the next 3 weeks, they are going to take the top male, top female, and the next top vote-getter from each of the 3 groups. That makes 9, and then there will be a wildcard show, so this is do or die with one more chance for the “losers” of these 3 rounds.
Back to last night, there were just a few too many good performances to make it clear-cut with the exception of the goosebumps I got with Danny Gokey’s perfect performance. Regardless of those odds, I’m still going to stick my neck out every week and say what’s on my mind. It is what I do best, so here goes.
Top Men: Danny Gokey, Brent Keith, Michael Sarver, Anoop Desai
Top Women: Hmmmm. Alexis Grace. Tatiana Del Toro… ouch, I hate to say that.
My official 3 picks for the night: Danny Gokey, Alexis Grace, and Brent Keith.