How Is YOUR Economy Now? Bumper Crop on the Web!

I feel like singing!

I feel like singing!

I just can’t say enough about the increase in entrepreneurial spirit on the Internet brought on by economic uncertainties. It would seem that a number of people are taking their incomes into their own hands and creating websites to create multiple streams of income to skim over rough times nearly unscathed.

I was one of them for quite a while, and I’m continuing today, even though I still have a job and my wife has a full-time job for the time being. It all started with my gaming site, Gitr Knows WoW back in 2005. After several months, I realized that I had a voice in the community and was getting enough traffic to monetize my site. Within a couple of months things started to happen. I slowly ramped up my Text Link Ads to the point that it was and is paying for an entire year’s hosting every month. For quite a while, I was selling enough electronic merchandise that I had to claim my site on my tax return. Not bad for writing about one’s playing, I say!

Fast forward to now… zzzzZZiiiipppp! [Read more…]

Record-Setting Time for iThemes

We are just simply having a blast now that we released FlexxTheme to smashing accolades and testimonials from our testers and the first recipients of the theme via the Theme Club. We’ve had to work out a myriad of new bugs that cropped up due to the larger diversity in hosting plans, plugins, and other circumstances, but things really couldn’t be much better for how complex the code is that drives its features and ease of use.

Here are some samples of how the theme can look with various headers, backgrounds, and layouts – all of which are done without touching a line of code. Trust me, our graphic designer didn’t know squat about WordPress a while ago and is just cutting his teeth on this theme as far as going into the dashboard. This is not simple stuff for a newbie, but it is with FlexxTheme.

Today, it has been non-stop requests to upgrade to our 2008 Theme Club for our limited, one week only offer of including FlexxTheme in the Club downloads. After midnight of November 19th, we wil be moving FlexxTheme to its own developer’s pack and it will no longer be a part of the Theme Club. I know this sounds pretty sales-pitchy, but I’ve seen some pretty cool sites pop up in under an hour with the use of FlexxTheme.

Introducing the Easiest Theme Ever: FlexxTheme

After nearly two months of development, iThemes has released what we believe is the world’s easiest theme to use and modify. Because we have nearly 20 themes in 9 months, we felt that it was time to rock the industry and develop something that takes a quantum leap in terms of user-friendliness.

The result of our company retreat in September was a whiteboard that detailed our theme goals and dreams of usability-enhancing features, along with the framework of a layout options page to allow for 96 unique layouts. Within a couple of days, it looked like we were going to have around 700 layouts. The final tally is an industry-leading 1,056 unique, functional, and ultimately desirable design layouts. [Read more…]

Flexx’ing My Design Muscles

With the last stages of our latest, revolutionary theme well underway (target release day is Thursday morning), I have been exploring my inner design freak that has been trying to get out since I created all of the skinning for my gaming blog: at the end of last year.

I’ve helped our designer, James Dalman, on a couple of images in the last month or so, but we’ve decided to help each other out with our trades: I help him with the code and WordPress questions for his personal site, and he is helping me with learning graphic design and made me one of the cool headers I’m sporting now that got my juices flowing. Sorry about the dude in them… they are the best I had to offer of my mug. We’ll see if Jason Dowd can take a better photo of me someday soon.

I’m trying to make this site really showcase FlexxTheme in a major way, so hold on to your hats, because things are going to look really good soon. I hope you enjoy my launch post that will go live on Thursday morning.