I’m Loving WordPress 2.7 Beta

I’ve been downloading the nightly builds for about 3 weeks now, and only experienced one glitch when I had to roll back a day. Now that things are all the way to 2.7 Beta 2 (build 9560), things are super-stable.

I have nothing but good things to say about it:

  • It is a terrific-looking layout with attractive fonts.
  • The menu is now on the side, and run with AJAX so the pages don’t have to load every time you want to see a new menu.
  • The menu is far more intuitive and makes information more accessible.
  • Now you can upload media files without attaching them to posts or pages, which could cause programming problems for those inclined to write super-cool code, like Chris Jean.

Fantastic! Download the Beta 2 version here.

Neighbor Troubles

Endless Beauty got a knock on the door last night while I was at school. It was our adjacent neighbor… again. She came over about 2-3 weeks after we all closed on our building and asked if we play bass music all night long. She said she hears it all day, but quieter, and that it’s keeping her awake all night. She used to hear me open the garage door at 6:00 every morning and that was her alarm clock for whenever she did fall asleep, so I knew she must be a light sleeper because there is a 15-foot entryway between her master bedroom and our garage.

[Read more…]

Only Good Things About our HOA

Neighbor's patioWe’ve all heard about the nightmare stories of out of control homeowner’s associations, so I was expecting the worst when we bought our house. A few years ago, someone drove by our house when I was living at home and they said we didn’t have enough grass, so Dad either needed to lay down sod (to die a quick death) or install a sprinkler system. We hadn’t had grass in the 10 years previous in the front yard because of the acid in the oak leaves.

I was ready for my own nightmare in preparing for approval for screening in our porch opening. I hemmed and hawed for weeks until our contractor was ready to come over, and I still wasn’t ready. I got on the ball yesterday and filled out the form, described the screening, gave them the insurance and contractor license #, and took a photo of our neighbor’s screen and our open porch, saying, “we want it to look like that.” I scanned our form, attached the photos from my iPhone, and e-mailed it last night from campus, knowing that they said approval takes a minimum of two weeks. [Read more…]

Top 5 List of My Pet Peeves

I’ll admit it: I get more irritated by life’s little things than I should. On the otherhand, though, people shouldn’t be so stupid sometimes. Life would be so much better if people would be aware of their surroundings, pay attention in school, and think twice more often. Enough of that; here is my list:

  1. When you are turning right, and I am turning left, GO! Don’t wave me on because you’re just messing with the natural order that is the traffic code.
  2. Count your items before you go into the 10 or 15 items or less checkout line. If I come up behind you and you have 20-30 items, you just might not like what I have to say to the cashier as you walk away, because it will be loud enough for you to hear.
  3. Know your 5th grade grammar if you are going to bother publishing something on the Internet. Know about things like contractions, run-on sentences, basic punctuation. No one likes to see someone’s billboard, “Your going to love my product!” either.
  4. Do NOT, under ANY circumstances, spit out your gum on the sidewalk or in the parking lot where people’s feet will tread. That’s just not cool, and I will hunt you down and put it in your hair down at the roots.
  5. Talk to me in a public restroom unless there is a lot of talking going on or we are alone and I count you as one my my top 25 friends. The restroom is for two things: #1 and #2. Get it done. Wash. Get out. Then we’ll talk. 🙂

Anyone else want to contribute their pet peeves?