Quote of the Day

“Sir, I am sitting in the smallest room in the house.
I have your letter before me. Soon it will be behind me.”
– Voltaire responds to a critic.

Brian Gardner and Revolution Goes Open Source

I was shocked this morning, as many in the premium WordPress theme community when Brian Gardner posted an announcement that he will be making Revolution themes Open Source under the GPL License. His new business model consists of teaming up with Jason Schuller from WP Elements to offer new themes for free and offering paid support and training packages.

It’s a bold move; daring, but possibly brilliant before its time. Only November 1st will tell.


Great Retreat in Oklahoma

I still have some photos to crunch and remove proprietary information from the photostream, of course. I’ll be posting the gallery for the last 2 days when I get that done, though. I’m sitting at Cory’s house… but I guess you need to know who Cory is for that to make sense. I put our names on our team photo once we got back to civilization today and put it up at http://ithemes.com/about/.

It’s about time to go to bed, but I’ll have to turn my mind off. Going back a few days, I can run down our activities.

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iThemes’ Company Retreat Gallery Day 1