Life As a Hopeless Geek Working at Home

Ok, so I’m not giving my all to work at the moment, as you can see by my latest WoW toon on the big monitor, but I am doing something on my to-do list on the Mac right before bed, nonetheless.

Wonderful wanted to point out that I have two mice sitting in close proximity for easy access to either computer’s functions.

I want to point out the receding hairline and the thinning hair all over. Getting close to 30 now… it’ll almost all be gone by 35, mark my words.

Work Smarter, Not Harder

I’m sitting here in my Modern European Novel class listening to person after person whine and complain about how hard James Joyce’s Ulysses is so far. We made it all of the way through Flaubert’s Madame Bovary already, and they haven’t figured out the biggest characteristic of our professor: he likes to tell you EXACTLY what you need to know for the study guides and exams.

This is my second course with this professor, so I came in knowing this about him, but now they have no excuse. For my Summer semester British Lit 1900-1945 class, I started reading the first story and realized that he just stands up there and talks about every important paragraph, sentence, motif, character, and author style that we need to know. Why read the stinking books? I have a life, and a busy one at that. I’m not going to waste my time reading the thing if I’m just going to be spoonfed directly from the maker of the exams.

So, for 13 weeks, two nights per week, 4 hours per night, I sat there and worked on websites and recorded his lecture while taking sparse notes and got an A-. I have no plans on changing my tactics this semester, and I am not sure why no one else can see this pattern after three 3-hour classes with him. These are juniors and seniors with 100+ credit hours. Can’t they see a free ride when they get one? As long as you can write coherent sentences and regurgitate his major points, you score easy points.

That’s all I have for now… gotta load up Word and get the notes file ready for class.

The Spider That Tried to Kill Us

To quote The Office: “That’s what she said.”

No, seriously, this was a truly HUGE spider. I was sitting at the coffee table looking at e-mail Sunday morning when I hear a very loud, insistent, “Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!!!!!!” I looked over at her, as any wonderful husband does when his wife begins to freak out without any husbandic action (new word – use it, love it, spread it). I saw her eyes fixed at the top of the wall above our breakfast bar and saw the biggest spider I had ever seen outside a plexiglass box at an animal attraction.

I dutifully watched it as she got the flyswatter, because I sure as heck wasn’t going to be able to get this thing taken care of with a napkin. It was as big as her hand with its legs spread out. I had to get the barstool close enough that I could get a shot in without sending it scampering behind the hutch. My aim was true, and bits of legs went flying and it didn’t move again.

Here’s a photo journal of the event, with the last photo being my iPhone for scale (note that its remaining legs are pulled way in).

PS – Sorry about the huge file sizes, but I’m testing out the gallery feature’s meta data and didn’t want to lose the camera info.

Hey, Man! What Cell Phone Do You Have?

I’ve been asked this dozens of times over the last few years by pushy mall cell phone kiosk salesmen. My usual response is to either ignore them or come up with something equally annoying since I’m usually in the middle of a sentence with Gorgeous when they interrupt us.

This time, though, I figured the best answer was to say, “an iPhone.” End of discussion, right? The first generation iPhone is only a year old and required a two-year agreement. If I waited until the 3G version, then I just got it and would be a pretty big moron for 1) ditching it so fast when it’s one of the most advanced phones available and 2) paying to cancel the service after having it for just a couple of months. No, not the end of his discussion. He said something about T-Mobile but we were already 20 feet away.

My question is this: Is there anyone who has EVER bought a cell phone from a mall kiosk?

Did you just say, “yes.” Alright, I’ll forgive you for being weird, but was it because a salesperson approached you in any manner?

I didn’t think so.