Roger Federer; If Only There Was No Net

We watched Wimbledon today. I was rooting for Nadal to finally beat him in at big tournament. It seemed like an awful lot of net shots from both of them, but I’d say that Federer would have won if it wasn’t for the net being there, and Nadal would have won faster if it had been on clay and could stop falling down.

All in all, I thought it was a great match and could not believe some of the volleys that were kept alive by incredible shots. They had a whole ESPN Top 10 plays in one match, including the President of NBC Sports picking his nose coming in at #1.

Windows XP Crap; Not My Fault

Yesterday I finally got around to backing up a client’s laptop hard drive onto DVDs for him. The laptop had motherboard issues and was 4 years old, so I simply removed the hard drive to hook up to my computer and burn some discs. Simple for a geek, right?

That’s what I thought.

Hooking it up to one cable, the computer wouldn’t boot: no operating system found. I tried another, same thing. I tried the last one, and I got a blue screen of death and an immediate reboot before it ever logged me in. I tried going into Safe Mode, and that froze for 20 minutes. Giving up, I slapped my stuff back together and turned on my computer to get my own, permanent error of no operating system found.

I’m sure it has to do with mixing old drive technology and new drive technology and will require a new hard drive to back up all my “little” drives, and then will still require another Windows installation to set everything in place. Gorgeous thought I had done something foolish with my system, and I was starting to wonder myself. Then, when I was lamenting in my chats while trying to get the darn thing back up, a friend said the same thing had happened to their brother when he tried to rescue a laptop hard drive. I didn’t feel quite as bad then.

I was able to get the computer to boot again, though only with the Windows CD in there. I’ll take it, for now. I have too much work to do to be concerned with making it perfect. I guess I’ll just be using my laptop more.

I am seriously considering trying to get OS X on this system after reading Lifehackers’ “Hackintosh” articles: Hack Attack: Build a Hackintosh Mac for Under $800 and
How To: Install OS X on Your Hackintosh PC, No Hacking Required

Hello, Emergency? Yes, I’d Like to Report the Moon

Someone in Wales is about to get in trouble with the local authorities for making an emergency 999 call to investigate a UFO. When the police arrived and were pointed in the direction of the shocking anomaly, they discovered the poor moron was referring to the moon, which had been hovering up there for over 30 minutes.

Here is the transcript of the call from the Telegraph:

Control: “South Wales Police, what’s your emergency?”

Caller: “It’s not really. I just need to inform you that across the mountain there’s a bright stationary object.”

Control: “Right.”

Caller: “If you’ve got a couple of minutes perhaps you could find out what it is? It’s been there at least half an hour and it’s still there.”

Control: “It’s been there for half an hour. Right. Is it actually on the mountain or in the sky?”

Caller: “It’s in the air.”

Control: “I will send someone up there now to check it out.”

Caller: “OK.”

After the police patrol car arrives, the script reveals the exchange between the control room and the police officer sent to the scene.

Control: “Alpha Zulu 20, this object in the sky, did anyone have a look at it?”

Officer: “Yes, it’s the moon. Over.”

Me and WordPress 2.6 Beta 1

I don’t know what it is with me and testing software nowadays, but here I go again installing an unreleased version of WordPress. I did it with 2.5 RC2 and 2.4 RC1. It looks like I’m addicted. So far, I really like the improvements and can’t wait to put up my gallery pages. That nice feature is the main reason I switched to this theme today.

I hope you all enjoy it and will come back on Monday for my big announcement of a new site project I’ve been working on with Jason Dowd and Justin Beale.