Hectic Day, Funny Video

I’ve got a lot to do today, including a client visit, finish up my magazine article, and well work crap. So, in my stead I present to you the very essence of brilliant YouTube-ing – I’ve Got the Terminal 5 Blues. With all the airline cancelations, this is sure to mean a lot to a lot of travelers.

The creator was stuck at the airport and hotels waiting for his luggage… during his wedding rehearsal week. As if it wasn’t enough to lose his luggage, the contents of said baggage contained his bride Sokha Nhim’s wedding dress, his suit, and the best man Andy Baynes’s suit. No wonder he had the blues!

Quick Thought: Presidential Approval Polls

Just a quick thought that I’ve had recently:

If only 25-40% of the nation votes in the Presidential election, how in the world can approval polls be worth anything?

Even if the polls were directed at those “potential voters,” I’d venture that nearly half of them don’t actually cast a ballot.

I think everyone who votes in November should get to put a card in their wallet that gives them the right to complain or brag about how things are going.

Otherwise, shut the heck up!

That’s another dose of Petersen. What do you think about the polls and the bashing and praising? Do you really think your favorite celebrity voted against Bush and is mad that the result? Really?

American Idol: Top 7 Week – 4/15/2008

Ladies and gentlemen, Randy Jackson is in the house and has given his first standing O of the season! I thought it was an overall good show, for the guys, but the girls needed to step it up. They sang ‘alright,’ but it wasn’t hot when you compare it with the guys. With Michael Johns gone, the dudes stepped it up to show what they can do.

I thought… wait a second… let’s just get on with the reviews:

Leading off, David Archuleta did a dang good job with his song. We heard his falsetto for the first time, and I’ve gotta say, it was well-placed. You could say he brought down the house, but he was the first singer. All of the judges thought that he just threw down the gauntlets for the other contestants. I gave him a 9.9 for the night.

[Read more…]

Lasse Gjertsen: Hyperactive Video Editing

I was going through my YouTube favorites and found this from way back when. This is a funky music video made by Lasse Gjertsen by recording single sound actions on a drum kit and piano and piecing it all together using his video editor. He can’t play a lick of music, but he sure can edit video.

In case you’re wondering exactly how weird I am for making this a favorite, I’ll have you know, he’s the 61st most favorited user on YouTube.

Shoot, first I should show you his “beatboxing” video:

And now for the drum/piano video: [Read more…]