A Brand New Look

You may think that you’ve come to the wrong blog today, but I can assure you that is not the case. What has happened is I’ve plain old stayed up waaaay too late doing this. It’s been one of those things that I can’t stop once I’ve started.

But hey, it looks like it was worth it, right?

American Idol: Top 8 Week – 4/8/2008

This week’s performance show can be summed up with this question:

What is Randy Jackson smoking nowadays?

Usually the nice guy who usually agrees with Paula, but liked to mention being pitchy in parts, he has been downright grumpy on some hawt performances the last two weeks. What gives, Randy? He’s been no harsh, he’s making Simon look like a doll.

First off for the night, Michael Johns rocked the joint and it was HAWT, I don’t give a darn what Randy had to say about the singing, the performance, or anything. I’m downloading that song on iTunes ASAP. I give him a 10.0 for the night. [Read more…]

Building a Home Business

The time has come to call for reinforcements with my vast business ideas, and Gorgeous has come to the rescue. We have books falling off the shelves and sitting in huge storage containers in the bottom of the closet. I have 3 blogs running, 1 in the works with 2 co-founders, I’m the forum administrator for iThemes.com, and taking 4 Summer classes next month. It was time for help.

Nothing was going to get off the ground without her help, and now we’re going full-bore. Amazon, eBay, affiliate programs, and working my magic on the new blogs. The thing is that those blogs aren’t going to get up and going without some relief in my schedule, so I’m bouncing off the walls with excitement about getting started on the Petersen brand.

We are certainly at a crossroad in our life at this point, with a brand new townhome in the works. It is time to figure out the rest of the game plan for our lives. I’m sure we’re going to have a ton of discussions in the coming weeks, but I am excited, relieved, and scared about all these changes.

I’m sure that how we handle these challenges are just more things that will shape who we are as a couple and where we are going in life. How have you and yours handled your crossroads and what happened as a result?

Can two people walk together if they have not agreed on where they are going?
-Amos 3:3

He Had a Dream; What Has America Done With It?

Martin Luther King Jr. - Wikipedia

It has been 40 years to the day since Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated on the balcony of a motel in Memphis. The man had a dream, and given the current state of affairs (thanks Spitzer) revolving around the 2008 Presidential campaign related to race, now is an opportune time to take a look at how black Americans are doing compared to April 4, 1968. [Read more…]