American Idol: Top 11 Week – 3/19/2008

I thought it was a pretty good night for most, as far as their vocals are concerned. What is still bugging the crap out of me is everyone’s ineptitude at picking a good song. How can you go into Beatles week and “choose a song from its title” when they are friggin’ Beatles songs?

Who are these people who have never heard of these songs before? They clearly have no idea about the context of the songs, the delight that is the original, and can therefore not make it into their own successfully.

/end rant

Amanda Overmeyer – 7.2

She’s getting pathetic. She reminds me of a smoker who has a raspy cough when they laugh. That’s her singing voice. It works with one kind of song.
Simon says: It was predictable and a mess in parts. It’s the same thing week after week.

Kristy Lee Cook – 9.1

Way better than last week, but still had awkward emotions and notes.
Simon says: I think you need hypnosis. You’re musical wallpaper and a terrible performer.

[Read more…]

Teachers Staying Home on Good Friday

Here in Tampa, Hillsborough County schools have always had Good Friday off. Always.

Until this year, that is.

This year, in their infinite wisdom, they have decided that it is too much of a pain to be ‘selective’ in the school holiday policy, so they are ignoring ALL religious holidays. Yeah brilliant!

What is supremely amazing to me is that it is the Jewish community that is up in arms that previously only Good Friday made the cut as a Jewish-recognized holiday that merited a day off from school. This prompted the school to do what every school, court, and civil organization has done in the last 5 years regarding Christmas decorations and such: ban them all. Good move, guys. You just lost your only ‘approved’ holiday.

Open mouth. Insert foot.

As a result of the sweeping change in their normal plans and the teacher’s work schedule, a record number of teachers, bus drivers, and students are planning on taking a personal day on Friday. The debate is raging on whether or not to cancel school if they are going to have to combine classes just to hold session. I say the kids aren’t even going to get to school.

When is this crap about being politically correct and doing everything in the world possible to make sure no one could possibly be offended by someone’s religion?

I’m offended at the thought.

Why I’m Excited About SOBCon08

Following Terry Starbucker’s lead, I decided to tell you why I’m excited at the prospect of attending the second annual SOBCon08 in Chicago May 2-4.

  • Obviously, a big pull for a founding attender is to re-connect with old friends from last year’s event. I met more people in one place in those two days than I had in a very long time before that, and not since.
  • The speakers and format of the event is unlike any other I have seen around or heard talk of. We will actually be in small workshops to look at ways to make our blogs better, to meet the needs of our readers and ourselves.
  • Liz and Terry picked a terrific venue for the event this year at the Summit Executive Centre, near the Miracle Mile. There are several selections of hotels within walking distance, and two of them are offering conference discounts. I will likely be staying at the Club Quarters, if you want to meet me in the bar for some chillaxing and geeking.

I’m Still Here!

It’s been a very long two weeks. I got the dreaded March flu last Monday night and missed work all of last week.

Not. Fun. At. All.

It knocked me down pretty hard, but I’m finally on the mend. After seeing all of the doctors I have, ending today, it’s been determined that I’m actually fixing myself this time, rather than depending on the traditional route of IV meds to clear things out.

I’ve switched up the theme again in the search for my perfect design… HAH!