Ben Moffitt: Unwanted Attention

Ben Moffitt - USFOracle.comIt was quite a year for my USF Bulls football team. They rose week after week in the rankings at the beginning of the year with one stunning victory after another, landing them in the most dangerous rank all year: 2nd. Second place switched teams so many times this year, it made casual fans’ heads spin. USF, sadly fell quickly after reaching #2. Along with their ranking, one of their stars fell was well.

He was the hero of many early moments in the season. Ben Moffit married his high school sweetheart, while still in high school, and got a scholarship to play ball at USF. As a senior, he got a lot of attention for his dedication to the team by driving over an hour each way to class and practices, never once being late or missing a team gathering. They interviewed his wife in the stands and on the sidelines a number of times to highlight his personal achievements both on and off the field. The media played up the”Father” “Student” “Husband” “All-star” as much as they could. Even the New York Times jumped on the hefty USF bandwagon in late September.

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Leave it at Home

I was over at my in-laws on New Years for food, the Rose Bowl parade, and the Wii (of course). I’ve never really sat down to watch the parade before these annual pig out events, but since massive amounts food during frequent feeding times are the custom, the tradition is growing on me.

So, I’m sitting on the fireplace ledge with the coffee table pulled up to my feast and I see a group of nincompoops along the back edge of the main TV zone holding up a string of “R O N P A U L” signs. My jaw hit the floor and I couldn’t contain my sentiments of these people. What is it with these people in particular? They call the talk shows non-stop to get “their man” on the air only to have him decline an interview, drop cards in public restrooms, just to name two things I’ve personally witnessed in the last week.

When we changed the channel to the much better coverage on Discovery HD Theatre, there was a big banner saying, “IMPEACH” on it! Good grief, people! Free speech, my butt! There is a big difference between free speech, free advertising, and ANNOYING. Can’t we just watch a parade without being reminded that the election is in 11 friggin’ months?

There, I nailed both sides of the fence for idiocy, so what’cha got to say about that? Are you as fed up with the primaries as I am?

New Computer Day

My new parts just arrived from They got delivered to my wife’s work because my plant is on holiday shut-down until the 2nd, so we’re off to her office to pick up my packages.

I’m sooo excited, I can hardly contain myself. I’d better let her drive… oh, yeah. She’s the one with A/C now. It’s winter, so fixing it in my car isn’t so much a big deal when I’m alone, but it’s a little uncomfortable with two with no air.

Today is all about watching TV with my babe and then I’ll put it all together tonight and get XP put on it for maximum performance. No Vista for this man yet!

A Little Christmas Treat

I grew up with quite a few choir and band concerts each year, with our favorites being the ones at Christmas and at the end of the year when everyone was at their best. A friend sent this one to me and I melted back into my old love of organized music.

I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.