Saturday: Quote of the Day

“I have had more trouble with myself than with any other man I’ve met.”

Dwight L. Moody

Go Ahead and Ask… You May Change History

I wonder... what suggestions do we all hold to ourselves?

Here in the U.S. we have great opportunities to shed stigmas and break barriers that are not possible in some societies or countries. A perfect example comes from a little girl in the annals of history — long forgotten, but forever literally changed the face of history.

Grace Bedell

Abraham Lincoln - 1860 Election PhotoJust 11 years old, young Grace wrote to Abraham Lincoln just before his first election. Innocently, respectfully, and un-presumingly, that little girl told Lincoln that if he grew out his whiskers she could get more people to vote for him. Such honest words of a sweet appraisal of an adult she respected prompted Lincoln to complete the look engraved, stamped, and carved into countless memorials and depictions — a bearded Abe Lincoln.

Her words come alive when you read them. Put yourself in her shoes as you read this:
[Read more…]

Miss South Carolina: Biggest Blonde Moment on Video

In what has to be the biggest blonde moment ever caught on video, Miss South Carolina could make all the other blondes in the world simultaneously gasp at her answer to the simple question:

“A fifth of Americans can’t locate the U.S. on a map. Why do you think this is?”

Simple question. Unbelievable results.

Back to the Basics #7: Experience Trumps Education

Back to BasicsContinuing my series on forgetting the complicated things of life and reconnecting with what is important, we’re going to discuss the importance of experience. Right off, though, I want to make it clear that I’m not advocating slacking off in school or not going to college in exchange for a job right out of high school. An education is a tool. It especially opens doors that are not accessible to those with only experience. In over two years at my current place of work, I have only seen 2 or 3 jobs out of maybe 150 posted that did not require a 4-year degree and some experience in the field.

On with the topic, then.

Success or Failure [Read more…]