Hometown National News: Findlay, Ohio Has 100 Year Flood

Findlay, OH Flooding 8/23/2007I grew up just 7 miles north of Findlay, OH in the little village of Van Buren. Findlay is the county seat and the location of… just about everything we needed to live. I lived through monstrous blizzards, ice storms, the draught of ’88, and 3 years of 100+ degree band camp and county fair tent duty.

Now for the flood of the century. The worst rain I can recall was somewhere around 1995, we had 2-3 feet of flash rain water at the fairgrounds after an afternoon deluge. It was up past my knees everywhere. As far as I know, that was a localized pit of water from a storm cell that collected water in the right places to make the fair miserable.

This is entirely different: the Blanchard River crested to within 0.4″ of the 1913 modern record (how do we know that was an accurate measurement back then anyway?). The river topped out at 7 feet above flood level, sending water into downtown and throughout the streets, as the river runs right through the middle.

Let me also take the opportunity to say, “Go Black Knights” and “Liberty Benton stinks.” I see L.B. groups on Facebook, and they seem to think they are better the then ol’ Black and Orange. Pfffph. What do they know?

Ridiculously Busy

Just a general life update: I’m up to my eyeballs in work this week. I got 55 hours last week, and it looks like I’m headed for upwards of 60 this week. The Fall semester starts Tuesday, so that will be the end of those hours.

The database upgrade went live yesterday, but it has a major bug in it that negates one of the main upgrade features. It only displays data, but doesn’t allow anyone to update it in the form (even the all-powerful administrator). BAH!

Update on the Photoshop I listed on Amazon… sold: $160 – commission = $134 net. Sweet $5 investment.

Vick Makes Me Sick

In an appalling display of arrogance, Michael Vick initially plead innocent in July to the dog fighting charges. Last week his co-defendants all took plea agreements and testified against Vick. What’s a guilty, two-faced, criminal to do? Change his plea and try to get out with as little jail time as possible.


If he would have come clean without a mountain of evidence against him, he’s just a guilty criminal. He added the extra baggage of lying, leading on his fans (not that he should have any now), and putting a lot of grief on his momma (or is that mama?).

Here’s how it played out:

July 26:

“Today in court I pleaded innocent to the allegations made against me. I take these charges very seriously and I look forward to clearing my good name. I respectfully ask all of you to hold your judgment until all of the facts are shown. Above all, I would like to say to my mom I am sorry for what she has had to go through in this most trying of times. It’s caused pain for my family and I apologize to my family. I also want to apologize to my Falcon teammates for not being with them.”

Source: AOL Sports

Today: August 20; his bottom-feeding lawyer:

“After consulting with his family over the weekend, Michael Vick asked that I announce today that he has reached an agreement with federal prosecutors regarding the charges pending against him,” Martin’s statement said.

“Mr. Vick has agreed to enter a plea of guilty to those charges and to accept full responsibility for his actions and the mistakes he has made.”

“Michael wishes to apologizes [sic] again to everyone who has been hurt by this matter.”

Source: Breitbart


Furniture, Vintage Toy, and a REAL Steal

Well, I didn’t update you all on the little shopping excursion we took on Saturday. It was a blast, and you’ll see why soon. Sooner if you read fast.

The first stop was touted in the paper as a moving sale and everything must go. It was pretty lame, if that was all they were not taking with them. It was pure junk that the garbage men probably didn’t take on Thursday. My hopes weren’t very high at that point, so I was just rushing to get to the estate sale in the county to the north.

G.I. Joe Battle Barge - 1988The second stop was lousy as well, until I pushed aside a big toy in one of the toy boxes. Having recently seen a show in Discovery about vitage toys, I decided to venture out to see what might be hiding. You can imagine the surprise I had as I saw a G.I. Joe box under a big plane. Not just any box: an original tape, sealed box from 1988! I asked how much the Maytag W/D set were, and then inquired about this stupid toy I was holding. “Two bucks.” [pause] “Okay… got change for a five?” [elated internal squealing like pig commenced]. (estimated resale price: $25-$50)

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