Looking for Junk

Today is a rare day where we both have the day off. Actually, I might go into the office later, but first we are going all over the country looking for junk at garage sales and two estate sales. We should be back by lunch, and then we’ll see how I feel about getting 2-3 hours at work to pad my week.

It was a full and fulfilling week at work because of my newest project: upgrading my database to a newer GUI, streamlining the reports, and adding a whole new feature that involved a many-to-one relationship between an established 5,000 record table and a new table that we will be populating with nearly 12,000 data points this week in a major effort to track everything we’ve been tasked with.

We got a big bonus with this month being a 5 Friday month for her paychecks and I have 3 this month. We opened a second savings account that is non-liquid in our minds and our goal is to get the recommended 3 months’ of savings in there. Tuition for the Fall is all settled and I already got my reimbursement for Summer term and bought my books. Technical Writing is just one (expensive) textbook and Modern Short Novel is a textbook, 2 novels, and 2 thick books with many short novels.

Anyway, that’s my life update… real blog content later. Off to shop.

Back to the Basics #6: Getting to the Core Pulp

Back to BasicsI met a really neat guy at SOBCon in Chicago in May. I was sitting in the pub with Phil and Mike and Terry when others started sitting down around us (I guess I wasn’t smelling bad after a VERY long day… yet). Suddenly, someone who everyone else obviously knew came in and was pressured into pulling up a chair.

At the moment, I couldn’t care less if anyone else sat down; it was starting to get a tad crowded around our little coffee table. It didn’t take long for me to get over that annoyance and even join the conversation. It was a delight to talk to the mystery man, who is just as struck with the need to change blog themes as I am. His name is Troy Worman, and he lives in my sunny state of Florida.

Troy chimed in today on his awesome blog, Orbit Now! with his take on Getting Back to Basics. His idea got to the core of life to him and he gives us core orbit pulp: 9 orbit strategies, give or take.

My Store Is Open

I have shirts and other items related to my main blog, which don’t really relate here, so I wanted to let you in on my humor and let you wear your admiration of my ridiculousness around the house (not in public… PLEASE!). Stacy and Clinton would not appove of such blazen advertising of your feelings in public.

I set up 16 initial sayings and the like in my store, available at any time up by my logo or this permanent link:

The Store of P-squared

I will be revolving sayings regularly to keep things fresh.

School Is Out! Sorry for the Delay

This may have been meThank you all for being so patient for waiting for this post. It was a crazy week last week trying to get my presentation done for my final class last Thursday. The lack of posts has been a result of relaxing and having nothing on my mind other than getting my grade back. I ended up with 30 slides, which I will be posting as soon as I take care of some disclaimers on some logos I used.

Because of a family emergency one of my team members had, I also volunteered to take on the presentation itself, so it was a bit of a one man show on the final night. The third member did a great job with flipping the slides, and we got through with flying colors.

I sent my slides up to my professional mentor, Starbucker (Mr. Executive himself), to get his feedback and got his very insightful comments implemented on Wednesday. The day of the presentation, I did a mock proposal to 3 of my co-workers in a conference room during a break from the daily grind of documents. I got one jaw drop, one “Wow!” and some advice about the phrases I chose at times that come across less than professional when you are supposed to have a vision for your proposal. Thanks to all of you!

I left work an extra 30 minutes early to take my time at Tiajuana Flats and spread out my slides on the table and write my notes down again to give to the flipper. We ran through it one time before the main event, and I was feeling confident by then.

There were two USF webmasters and an administrative staff present as a panel of experts on our topic. [Read more…]