Good Times YouTube; Evolution of Dance

This is still one of my all-time favorite videos. It’s a guy dancing through the ages of songs. His name is Judson Laipply and he is dancing the most creative compilation you’ll ever see, unless he tops himself. – – Go there for more info including the complete song list! He’s gone big-time since/because of this video.

Don’t think it’s worth watching? It’s got 54 MILLION views and 56,000 comments since April 2006.


[tags]Evolution of Dance[/tags]

Crunch Time at USF; Summer Ending

Slide 18The Summer B semester ends on Thursday night with my group’s final presentation to the class, professor, USF webmaster, and the university marketing department. I have been busy creating a kick-butt presentation and adjusting the order, wording, and creating graphics for our made-up product. After spending hours of researching what makes a great and awful (not awe-full) presentation, I think we are on the right track for an entertaining and convincing proposal.

Slide 17The presentation is basically a 10-15 minute marketing proposal for our advergame for USF and has the added pressure of needing to be as realistic as possible because of the new additions to the audience. The professor isn’t going to let us off easy by being able to claim things that we can’t back up with research now.

Due to a family emergency for one of the members (in a group of 3), I am now also doing the presenting, as well. No pressure right? Nope, especially since it’s only 50% of our grade. Actually, I was the one that suggested presenting it, too, because of the time constraints he’d have by getting back the night before the final. The situation is not condusive to good delivery, so I am more than glad to help us out by taking that burden from him. The pressure is coming from me, not them. 🙂 I’m not concerned about the length of the presentation now, because I’m up over 35 slides, so even at 15 seconds per slide, that comes out to nearly 10 minutes. I still have some flowcharts and game design renderings to finish up to round out the coverage.

[tags]advergame, advergaming, USF, marketing proposal, business writing[/tags]

Not Cooking Too Well; Hot, Yes; Well, No

It all started out like any normal cooking venture I do:

  1. Get out the supplies and ingredients.
  2. Cut things up.
  3. Pre-heat the pan.
  4. Get ready to have fun.

After everything was prepared for the main event, I added  a couple of Tbsp of vegetable oil to my stainless steel 12″ skillet, which had been pre-heating on 6 for about 4 minutes.

Anyone have a problem with that? Lemme know now, because I do that all the time. ALL the time.

Pan on fireThis time, however, things took a turn for the worse. As I tilted the pan to spread the oil out before dropping the steak to sear, steam/smoke immediately started to roll in a convection motion around the inside of the pan (and no, I didn’t slop any and it’s a glass-top stove). Three seconds later, PHOOOM!!! One foot flames erupted from the pan in a flash burn, only it wasn’t over. It kept burning.

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Back to the Basics #5: Happiness Is Hard Work

Back to the BasicsToday we have a special guest blogger. He’s not a blogger at all, in fact. I opened the doors to all the people that I enjoy conversing with and communicating on different levels, and this article comes from SSgt Phillip Oriol from Phoenix, Arizona. I’ve known him for the better part of 9 months through my main blog and playing online together in World of Warcraft. He stepped up to the plate and hit one out of the park on this one.

Happiness Is Hard Work

Some people think happiness is a right, or that it’s somehow owed to them; well they are most certainly wrong. I was watching The Pursuit of Happyness the other night and Will Smith’s character noted Thomas Jefferson put “the pursuit of happiness,” not just happiness, in the Declaration of Independence. He (Will Smith) pondered if we could only pursue it and never truly see it.

I personally believe that happiness is something we all can achieve, but it’s not like flicking on a light switch it takes work and persistence.

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