The Sneeze – There is NO Separation of Church and State

I received this from my wife from a co-worker from yada-yada-yada but checked it out on, like I expect ALL of you to ALWAYS do before circulating stories that tug at your heart.

They walked in tandem, each of the ninety-two students filing into the already crowded auditorium. With their rich maroon gowns flowing and the traditional caps, they looked almost as grown up as they felt.

Dads swallowed hard behind broad smiles, and Moms freely brushed away

This class would NOT pray during the commencements, not by choice, but because of a recent court ruling prohibiting it. The principal and several students were careful to stay within the guidelines allowed by the ruling. They gave inspirational and challenging speeches, but no one mentioned divine guidance and no one asked for blessings on the graduates or their families.

The speeches were nice, but they were routine until the final speech received a standing ovation.

A solitary student walked proudly to the microphone. He stood still and silent for just a moment, and then, it happened.

The speaker suddenly SNEEZED!!!!

All of the students, in unison, said,


And he walked off the stage…

The audience exploded into applause. This graduating class had found a unique way to invoke God’s blessing on their future with or without the court’s approval.

This is the real account, according to, of a doctored version that has been circulating for years: The Sneeze

This just brings into light, once again, that there is no Constitutional basis for the wall of separation of church and state. The phrase has been the battle cry of political correctness for years, and the public needs to educate themselves instead of regurgitating what the media says. It was something Thomas Jefferson said in response to persecuted Baptists at the time. [Read more…]

American Idol Season 9 – Top 10 Pre-results

I was right, I was right. Paige Miles was indeed bad enough to go home last week, and I’m forever grateful that she chose to sing a different song to go out with on the results show.

This week had some terrific performances from Andrew Garcia, Lee Dewyze, Aaron Kelly, and I thought Katie Stevens did great even though her voice and songs don’t match her age — I just try to forget how young she is.

Tonight’s Bottom Three:

Didi Benami – She just didn’t deliver.

Siobhan Magnus – The screeching didn’t work this time.

Tim Urban – I don’t even remember it.

American Idol Season 9 – Top 11 Pre-results


I know I’m cutting it close today, but it’s been a hectic day. I sure was off last week, but this one doesn’t take much thought. Everyone and their mom knows Paige Miles sucked. She bombed. She burned. I’ve heard Jr. High talent contests with better singing. I know for a fact that I could have gone out there with my favorite Billboard #1 hit and knocked her out of the competition.

Tim Urban and Andrew Garcia are still in my crosshairs, but there is no way they are going home with that disaster from Paige. She broke my #2 rule: Don’t sing a big song if you can’t sing big.

My favorites from last night: Crystal Bowersox (duh!), Aaron Kelly, and Katie Stevens after she took the mic off the stand and started blowing it out of the box. Siobhan did fine, but she didn’t have a great “moment” and honestly, I can’t remember how I liked or disliked Didi’s song. I’m guessing it was more mess than hot, but not nearly as much of a mess as the bottom three.

Leaving tonight

Paige Miles – please, no need to sing your song again.

P.S. – We don’t care how much fun you had singing it. It was painful for us.

Sen. LeMieux Busts 10 Myths Surrounding Health Care Reform Debate

I subscribe to Sen. George LeMieux’s newsletters and Twitter stream and must say that I’m actually proud to have him representing my ideas and values while (so far) appearing to always take the high road and not compromise his personal values along the way. Had I known about him before his election, I probably would go as far to say that I would have been a campaign volunteer for him – something I can’t believe I’m actually typing. His communication and understanding of his constituents’ wishes is something to behold.

Before I give you his laundry list after reading the bill as it stands now, let’s review what doctors think about the bill and what they say they will do if the bill goes into law:

An IBD/TIPP poll found the following:

– 45% of doctors polled said they would consider leaving their practice or retiring early if the proposed health care bill was to pass

– 65% or 2 out of 3 practicing physicians polled say they oppose the plan

– 72% of doctors polled disagree with the administration’s claim that the government can cover 47 million more Americans with better quality care and at a lower cost

Click here to read the full article

Here is this morning’s release sent out to his newsletter subscribers:

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator George LeMieux (R-FL) today called attention to a number of myths that have become part of the health care debate as if they were fact. Senator LeMieux made his remarks on the floor of the Senate this evening.
“We know this comprehensive proposal will not reduce costs for Americans, it will not guarantee that you can keep your health care plan if you like it, and it does not truly reduce the deficit,” said LeMieux. “These proposed reforms will take half a trillion dollars from Medicare, they will not reduce the demands on emergency rooms, and they will only go after fraud at the edges.”



• As recently as today, President Obama has said, “If you have a plan you like, you can keep it.”
A: Employers will drop coverage
• CBO says, “Between 8 million and 9 million other people who would be covered by an employment based plan under current law would not have an offer of such coverage under the proposal.” Because of the employer mandate some businesses would likely drop existing coverage or fail to offer new coverage.
• Rick Foster, the CMS actuary says this number could be even higher. He concluded that 17 million people will lose their employer-sponsored coverage. Many smaller employers would be, “inclined to terminate their existing coverage” so their workers could qualify for “heavily subsidized coverage” through the exchange.
B: Medicare Advantage will be downgraded
• Foster also says, “Lower benchmarks would reduce Medicare Advantage rebates to plans and thereby result in less generous benefit packages. We estimate that in 2015…enrollment in Medicare Advantage plans would decrease by about 33 percent (from a projected level of 13.7 million under current law to 9.2 million under the proposal).”
C: Mandates will usher in era of one-size-fits all health care system
• Mandates eliminate patient choice and force Americans onto certain plans.


[Read more…]