Zachary Quinto Named the New Spock

Zachary QuintoThere is a new Star Trek coming out, and Zachary Quinto is going to play Spock, along with Leonard Nimoy. It appears that Nimoy will play Spock as an old man (duh!) and Quinto will play the majority of the role as the story would mostly be a flashback.

For those of you who don’t watch 40 hours of TV per week, Quinto is best known as the bad guy, Sylar, in Heroes. While it wasn’t revealed who will play the young James T. Kirk alongside William Shatner, director JJ Abrams’ announcement of Nimoy returning nearly brought down the house at the San Diego Comic-Con.

SpaceShipOne and SpaceShipTwo May Have Setbacks After Explosion

An explosion during testing of nitrous oxide for components in the upcoming SpaceShipTwo killed 3 people so far, with others injured. The blast happened at a Scaled Composites facility in the Mojave Desert called the Mojave Air and Space Port.

Burt Rutan, the aerospace designer, was not present at the time, but came as soon as possible and was visibly distraut while talking to reporters, and would not release any names until the families were notified.

He verified that the nitrous oxide was at room temperature and under pressure and confirmed that it was not a new test, but had been performed numerous times for SpaceShipOne.

SpaceShipTwo being carried by Eve

This may cause problems for SpaceShipTwo, a Virgin Galactic project under the control of Richard Branson. The plan is to give tourists rides into space for $200,000, something unthinkable when the space programs were in their infancy. Space was something to be tackled by nations, not private corporations.

General Patton Speaks Out Against All That Is Stupid

I’ll bet most of us have seen the classic film ‘Patton’ with General Patton played by George C. Scott. Mike Kaminski is a professional Voice talent/Actor/Producer and Standup Comedian from the Tampa area where this blog broadcasts from. He is truly one of the most skilled voice imitators on the planet and can change his voice at the drop of a hat. You must check him out.

Anyway, he dubbed his voice over the famous Patton speech from the film himself. He spent 2 weeks going over the wording to perfect what he wanted to say and then spent a month editing the DVD of the movie to fit the mouthing as best he could.

This is NOT work safe, as he does use a few expletives, but it is nothing out of character for the movie. Consider it rated PG-13 to R. You’ve been warned.

Awe-inspiring performance! General George S. Patton out of retirement, rants about Iraq and the modern world situation!!

Pool Stolen… 1,000 Gallons of Water, Too

My pool is gone!Daisy Valdivia woke up Wednesday morning to take out the recycling, only to discover that their 10 foot, 1,000 gallon pool was missing from the back yard. What is stranger yet is that there is no evidence of what happened to the water.

Investigators say it was not dumped, pumped, drunk, or evaporated. The heist (if you can call it that) happened in a mere 4 hours between 1 am and 5 am without making enough noise to call attention to their activities.

The take-away line from the whole story:

“I just want to know what the heck they did with the water.”

Read the whole story: Pool stolen from Paterson yard