Back to the Basics #2: Be Grateful for What You Have

Back to BasicsIt is amazing how much we take for granted in America. Sometime around 11:00 am, I was pondering how blessed we are to have a 2 bedroom apartment with 2 bathrooms so early in our marriage. To get a house that has any more than what we have now (that can support more people and guests), it’s going to take a house as nice as my family finally got after I was 16. Wow. Those thoughts quickly disappeared into how bad things can get in a flash.

Just after noon, one bathroom backed up, but not in any normal way I have ever seen. We’re talking major overflow and the toilet just would not stop. I had to tip-toe through 1/2″ of toilet water to get to the valve to shut off the water. Of course, this deeply disturbed upset my wife, and freaked me out, because I saw water seeping into the edge of the bedroom carpeting (no molding piece to keep water in the bathroom… brilliant!). We quickly got a towel (ineffective in every sense of your imagination) and our bucket and sponge mop. By the time I got half of the bucket full, there wasn’t any water left on the floor; it had all been absorbed by our master bedroom’s carpet!

Maintenance on-call said “ok” to my issue, but didn’t say anything more. An hour later, I went to the clubhouse to complain to a live person and the maintenance guy was there calling a “real plumber,” as he called them. As it turns out, my entire building was experiencing problems. I went back home and we waited and watched TV to take our minds off of the mess of towels and stuff everywhere.

At least it wasn't this badThen the second bathroom did the same thing, but stopped at the top of the bowl. I turned off the valve there, and went to see if the plumber was there yet. Nope. Minutes later, we heard major plumbing gurgling, so I thought that things were moving again. Yes they were, but not in the right direction. Things were moving into our tubs, one clear and one… let’s say cloudy. Ewww. Both tubs were at least 10″ full and the water level was just below the drains in the sinks. Crap (no pun intended).

By then it was time to start a contingency plan for the night. We called K’s parents and they laughingly said to pack our bags for a couple of days (which may not end up being too far off the mark) and come on over for a lasagna dinner.

As we left, we asked the maintenance guy whether it was him or the plumber that was going to be him or the plumber that was going to clean our tubs. He (hopefully ignorantly) said, “Neither. As soon as it gets unclogged, the water will go down and all we have to do is rinse it with warm water.” Right. I love rinsing e-coli with water. We’ll see what the weekday maintenance guys and the property manager say today when I call.

Got a toilet that flushes and dry flooring? Enjoy it. I know we will when we get it again.

UPDATE: K stopped by on the way to work this morning and saw a carpet cleaning service business card in the door. It said “water extracted, carpet cleaned” in handwriting. She opened the door and saw a nicely cleaned carpet throughout the entire apartment (even the office) and the tubs were debris-free. She got new shower liners already and we’ll clean the tubs with bleach and vinegar when I get home.

Related Post:

Back to the Basics #1: The Golden Rule

The New York Times Has Crossed Harry Potter and ALL His Fans (No Spoilers Here)

What was the Times thinking by releasing their review of JK Rowling’s last book in the Harry Potter series: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows? Do they really think that they will convince people to buy the book with an early review?

I think their reasoning is much more sinister than that. This is all about sales and sticking it to “the man,” though in this case, “the man” is one of the richest women in the world. The NYT has a history of publicizing and pushing the socialist agenda of taking away from the rich to make an even playing field instead of helping everyone learn the skills to succeed on their own.

We all know young people don’t read newspapers and that news on the Internet is viral. All they had to do was publish their review in their online edition on the front page and, voila! Ad click-throughs on their site.

What those small-minded people in their executive offices with stuffy collars and $1,000 shoes don’t realize is that nothing they do will have an impact on sales for this book, particularly. Do you know anyone who waited 2 years for Star Wars Episode 3 that didn’t go see the movie after reading a critic’s review? I sure don’t. In fact, I don’t give a flying monkey’s butt about what some professional critic has to say about a franchise that I am a big fan of, be it positive or negative. Rotten Tomatoes could have given it a 23% and I would have been there at midnight anyway.

Dumber still, in my eye, are the people that WANT to ruin the ending of the last book in such a great series. Now, I know that those people exist, who look at the end of a book after reading the first 15 pages, but that defeats the enjoyment of the book. What fun is it to know the final score of a football game when you start to watch your recording and discover that the final score comes in the second quarter? There is absolutely no point in watching the rest of the game. Same thing goes for books. Period.

Stop it, people. Do you have a problem with the NYT publishing this review early?

From Pizza Hut to College in One Generous Step

The news today is too negative. Well, except those weird stories that I post on my other blog for just such occasions. This story is sure to warm your heart, even if it is made of stone.

Until recently Jessica Osborne was a waitress at her local Pizza Hut in North Carolina. One of her dear customers is a regular. They always ask for her, and she has gotten to know them. That stuck a chord in my heart, because there was a time where my buddies at work and I did the same thing at our local Spaghetti Warehouse. Jessica had shared bits and pieces about her life with her regulars, and they knew she could not afford to go to college because her financial aid never came through and she doesn’t earn enough waiting tables.

One day, the patron, a kindly older woman, told Jessica about the loss of her husband and daughter in an accident. She went on to say that they set up an education fund in their names and slyly slid a folded check across the table to Jessica and told her to pursue her dreams of getting a college degree.

Change the worldAmazed, Jessica thought there was a mistake with the number of zeros when it turned out to be a check for $10,000.

Bless them.

the Daily Mail

We can all change the world.

Go Ahead! Toss Your PC!

Grrr. So help me, I'll...Reuters is reporting that a German man disturbed the peace last night by chucking his PC out the window onto the street below, waking up neighbors who called the police. When the police arrived, they got the full story: he was pissed at his computer.

Take away line: “Who hasn’t felt like doing that?”

Read the full story at