American Idol Finale – Cook vs. Archuleta – 5/20/2008

Tonight was the big night, so one moment while I finish casting my votes. Ok, now that business is taken care of, it’s time to tell you who I voted for.

Tonight was a knock-down, drag-out fight… until the end. The end, if you watched it, consisted of David Archuleta singing, not for the first time… not for the second time… but for the THIRD time this season and the FOURTH time readily viewable on YouTube: ‘Imagine.’ We know he can sing ‘Imagine’ already! I have it on my iPod and I’ve been listening to it for 2 months now. I’m ready for something else.

Worse song choice for the night or not, at least Cook sang something original AND smoking hot, too. Don’t count him out, but I don’t think he’s going to get the votes. I think he is the better all-around American Idol, but I have a nasty feeling that the young lad is going to edge him out based on vocals.

One question remains to be seen in the months and years to come: Does David Archuleta even enjoy singing, or is it just what his dad wants him to do?

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David Archuleta’s Dad Gets in the Way Again

Jeff Archuleta finally pushed the American Idol producers over the edge. It’s been long known that he lost his back stage access to David back in the day on Star Search. Well, now Fox has had enough of his ways.

Last week he insisted on a lyric change that ended up costing the studio money, and I’m also noting extra stress for the lad who stumbled all over his lines in the beginning of the season. I’ll be that was another Dad moment.

TMZ reported the news on Friday, but I was at the beach, so it’s possible you missed it, too. I’ve got you covered here.

American Idol: Top 4 Week – 5/6/2008

It appears that I was partially right, partially wrong about this week’s performances. David Cook did rock out, but only on his second song. Syesha did her stuff, sang her songs, shook her booty, and I think she’s going to stay alive.

Then there’s Jason Castro. His first song was… boring. His second song was… a disaster. He pulled a Crash Test Dummies impersonation and “MMM mmm MMM’d” about 10 words, which Randy Jackson politely made clear by asking Jason what he thought of his own performance. Simon simply told him, “Pack your bags.” I told my wife that his fans probably didn’t notice, though, because they’re all stoned. He may be safe, if only for the stoners.

David Archuletta was simply stunning with his first performance, and while his second song was not as entertaining for me, it was still up to his expected level of vocal brilliance. I am going to download his first song when it pops up on iTunes.

Bottom Two: Jason Castro, Jason Castro (Sorry, dude)

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It’s Time for the Top 4 American Idol Show

It’s rock and roll night tonight on American Idol. Look out for David Cook to rock your world. I’m definitely going to be watching in full surround sound today. The competition is going to come down to who can pick the best songs, best clothes, and NOT screw up. (Hey, Brooke, I’m talking to you.)

My pre-show predictions for the Top 2 performance predictions are David Cook and Syesha Mercado. I say performance predictions, though, because Syesha will be in the bottom two, as always.