Jesse’s SOBCon08 Takeaway

The Hancock Building
It’s been quite a weekend, by any measure of meaningfulness. I know that the following would be a heck of a run-on sentence, so here it is in outline form:

It was a time to

After 55 hours of online publishing immersion, what was my takeaway? It happened over the course of two speeches by David Bullock: his presentation on Saturday, and a brief kudos/pep-talk this morning during the cool-down session. [Read more…]

SOBCon08 Presentations Part 9 – Wendy Piersall

Wendy PiersallWendy Piersall


Inspired Business Growth

We’ll keep this short and sweet, because nothing else she said mattered or hit as hard as this:

“Every day I had to hear my internal voice say, “Who are you to charge that much or who will come to my site to read this?” Every single day, another internal voice had to say, “Who are you NOT TO!?

Amendment: One more came out at the end: “I want more time! Reply: There is no more time, give me more YOU!”